Hướng dẫn tích hợp API chữ ký số vào ứng dụng thông qua webservice viettel tích hợp chữ ký số vào website phần mềm tích hợp chữ ký số của kbnn giải pháp tích hợp chữ ký số tích hợp chữ ký số vào phần mềm
Tài liệu tich hợp API
This doument describes in details the API of Remote Signing. In this version, API is now including 8 functions:
Banks, Finance/Insurance companies who wants to apply digital signature for loan approval.
Word |
Description |
CA |
Certification Authority |
Public Key Infrastructure |
M |
Mandatory |
O |
Optional |
RD |
Required Conditional |
AP |
Application Provider |
RP |
Relying Party |
Sole Control Assurance Level 1 |
Sole Control Assurance Level 2 |
RS |
Remote Signing |
Signature Activation Data |
This method returns the information of Remote Signing such as: the version of remote signing service, the methods which are supported by the service. This method doesn’t need client authentication.
Sample Request:
POST /rssp/v1/info HTTP/1.1 HOST: rssp.mobile-id.vn Content-Type: application/json
{} |
Sample Response:
{ "version": "1.0.0" "name": "Remote Signing Services", "description": "An efficient remote signature service", "logo": "https://rssp.mobile-id.vn/images/logo.png", " languages": [ "VN", "EN" ], " authTypes": [ "PASSCODE","OTPSMS","OTPEMAIL" ], "methods": [ "auth/login","auth/revoke", "credentials/list","credentials/info", "credentials/sendOTP","credentials/authorize" "credentials/extendTransaction","signature/signHash", "owner/list","owner/assign" ]
} |
Attributes description:
Request Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
Response Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
version |
String |
M |
The current version of Remote Signing |
2 |
name |
String |
M |
The name of the service |
3 |
description |
String |
O |
The description of the service |
4 |
logo |
String |
O |
The logo image URL of the service |
5 |
languages |
String [] |
M |
The languages are supported by the service |
6 |
authTypes |
String [] |
M |
Authorization methods are supported by the service. These values RSSP support: - Basic: authorization by user and password. - SSL2: authorization by pkcs7 signature. - OAUTH2: RSSP support oauth2.
7 |
oauth2 |
String |
RC |
The base URI of the OAuth 2.0 authorization server endpoint supported by the remote service for service authorization and/or credential authorization. The parameter SHALL be present in any of the following cases: • The authType parameter contains “oauth2code” or “oauth2client”; • The remote service supports the value “oauth2code” for the authMode parameter returned by credentials/info. |
8 |
methods |
String [] |
M |
Functions are supported by the service |
In this function, client should provide the credential information issued by service provider for the first authentication. Server checks client information and returns an access token to client to use for the subsequent API requests within the same session. For the further API once login succeed, client must provide this access token in the request.
These authentication factors SHALL be passed directly in the HTTP header with name Authorization, it MAY have multi authentication factors separated by comma. RSSP accept two value as follow:
SSL2 <credential>, Basic <credential>
The alternative way to re-authenticate the user after an access token has expired is using the refresh token. At this time, the authorization header should be in format:
Bearer <refresh token>
Sample Request:
POST /rssp/v1/auth/login HTTP/1.1 HOST: rssp.mobile-id.vn Authorization: SSL2 dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ6c2lnbmF0dXJlOnBrY3MxU2lnbmF0dXJlOnRpbWVzdGFtcA==, Basic VVNFUk5BTUU6dXNlcjoxMjM0NTY= Content-Type: application/json
{ "relyingParty": "MOBILE-ID", "relyingPartyBillCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559950", "rememberMe": true, "language": "EN" } |
Sample Response:
{ "responseCode": 0, "responseMessage": "Successfully", "billCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559951", "accessToken": "VGhpcyBpcyBhY2Nlc3NUb2tlbg==", "refreshToken": "cmVmcmVzaFRva2VuIGlzIG1lLg==", "expiresIn": 60, "username": "user" } |
Attributes description:
Request Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
relyingParty |
String |
M |
In case of many services are running on Remote Signing. Relying Party is used to determine which client is calling to. |
2 |
relyingPartyBillCode |
String |
O |
Relying Party’s billcode. |
3 |
billCode |
String |
O |
Request’s bill code. |
4 |
rememberMe |
Boolean |
O |
A Boolean value typically corresponding to an option that the user may activate during the authentication phase to "stay signed in" and maintain a valid authentication across multiple sessions: § "true": if the remote service supports user re-authentication, a refreshToken will be returned and the signature application may use it on a subsequent call to this method instead of passing an Authorization header. § "false": a refreshToken will not be returned. If the parameter is omitted, it will default to "false". |
5 |
clientInfo/iccid |
String |
O |
Client machine information. RS will use this one to manage working session binding with a replyingParty or owner. |
6 |
clientInfo/imei |
String |
O |
Client machine information. RS will use this one to manage working session binding with a replyingParty or owner. |
7 |
clientInfo/macAddr |
String |
O |
Client machine information. RS will use this one to manage working session binding with a replyingParty or owner. |
8 |
language |
String |
O |
Possible value: VN, EN |
Response Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
responseCode |
int |
M |
Code describes the result. Expected: 0 |
2 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
Message describes the result in detail. |
3 |
billCode |
String |
M |
Receipt for each transaction |
4 |
accessToken |
String |
M |
The short-lived service access token used to authenticate the subsequent API requests within the same session. When receiving an API call with an expired token, the remote service will return an error and require a new auth/login request. |
5 |
refreshToken |
String |
RC |
The long-lived refresh token used to re-authenticate the user on the subsequent session. The value is returned if the rememberMe parameter in the request is "true" and the remote service supports user re-authentication. |
6 |
expiresIn |
int |
O |
The lifetime in seconds of the service access token. If omitted, the default expiration time is 3600 seconds. |
7 |
remainingCounter |
int |
RC |
Number of remaining attempts of login, only return if basic available in header Authorization and password of owner is wrong. |
8 |
temporaryLockTime |
Int |
RC |
Owner lockout time, only try again when the time is up. In seconds. |
9 |
ownerInfo/fullName |
String |
RC |
Full name of account. |
10 |
ownerInfo/phone |
String |
O |
Phone of account. |
11 |
ownerInfo/email |
String |
O |
Email of account. |
12 |
ownerInfo/oauth2 |
String |
O |
OAUTH2 account information. |
Credential information |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
username |
String |
M |
Username of relyingParty provided by Remote Signing |
2 |
password |
String |
M |
Password of relyingParty provided by Remote Signing |
3 |
signature |
String |
M |
Signature of relyingParty provided by Remote Signing |
4 |
pkcs1Signature |
String |
M |
Value is signed from client private key. Key is generated and provided by Remote Signing Value=username + password + signature + timestamp |
5 |
timestamp |
String |
M |
Current timestamp, format in yyyyddmmHHMMss format or Unix epoch time likes 1570182293561. |
This function will revoke the token for request authentication. If the token type is 1 (one), the RS will not validate the refresh token and all access tokens based on the same authorization grant. If the token type us 0 (zero), the RS will not validate the access token but it will not revoke any existing refresh token based on the same authorization grant.
Note 01: Authorization info in the header of the request is presented in following format:
KEY=Authorization, VALUE=Bearer <access token or refresh token>
(Access token or refresh token is obtained from login function which is defined in session 2.2).
Sample Request:
POST /rssp/v1/auth/revoke HTTP/1.1 HOST: rssp.mobile-id.vn Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBhY2Nlc3NUb2tlbg== Content-Type: application/json
{ "relyingParty": "MOBILE-ID", "relyingPartyBillCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559950", "tokenType": 0, "token": "VGhpcyBpcyBhY2Nlc3NUb2tlbg==", "language": "EN" } |
Sample Response:
{ "responseCode": 0, "responseMessage": "Successfully", "billCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559951" } |
Attributes description:
Request Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
relyingPartyBillCode |
String |
O |
Relying Party’s billcode |
2 |
billCode |
String |
O |
Request’s bill code. |
3 |
tokenType |
int |
O |
The type of token submitted for revocation. The possible values are: 0: access token 1: refresh token 2: SAD token If token type is omitted. RS understands the token received is access token. |
4 |
token |
String |
M |
The token will be revoked |
5 |
language |
String |
O |
Possible value: VN, EN |
6 |
agreementUUID |
String |
RS |
Contract identifier, this value is required when tokenType is 2 (to revoke SAD token) and access_token in Authorization header is retrieved from login with SSL2 Only. |
7 |
thumbprint |
String |
RC |
Thumbprint of certificate, this value is required when tokenType is 2 (to revoke SAD token). |
Response Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
responseCode |
int |
M |
Code describes the result. Expected: 0 |
2 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
Message describes the result in detail. |
3 |
billCode |
String |
M |
Receipt for each transaction |
This function will return the brief information of certificates which are belonged to an owner. The certificate information doesn’t have full BASE64 certificate encoded. There is enough information for client to identify the certificate.
Note 01: Authorization info in the header of the request is presented in following format:
KEY=Authorization, VALUE=Bearer <access token or refresh token>
(Access token or refresh token is obtained from login function which is defined in session 2.2).
Sample Request:
POST /rssp/v1/credentials/list HTTP/1.1 HOST: rssp.mobile-id.vn Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBhY2Nlc3NUb2tlbg== Content-Type: application/json
{ "relyingParty": "MOBILE-ID", "relyingPartyBillCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559950", "agreementUUID": FEC#201910281308, "language": "EN" } |
Sample Response:
{ "responseCode": 0, "responseMessage": "Successfully", "billCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559951" "certificates": [ { "certificateID": 84902, "issuerDN": "<X.500_issuer_DN_printable_string>", "serialNumber": "5AAC41CD8FA22B953640", "thumbprint": "86f7e437faa5a7fce15d1ddcb9eaeaea377667b8", "subjectDN": "<X.500_subject_DN_printable_string>", "validFrom": "20180101100000Z", "validTo": "20190101095959Z",
}, { "certificateID": 84899, "issuerDN": "<X.500_issuer_DN_printable_string>", "serialNumber": "5AAC41CD8FA22B953640", "thumbprint": "86f7e437faa5a7fce15d1ddcb9eaeaea377667b8", "subjectDN": "<X.500_subject_DN_printable_string>", "validFrom": "20180101100000Z", "validTo": "20190101095959Z",
} ] } |
Attributes description:
Request Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
relyingPartyBillCode |
String |
O |
Relying Party’s billcode |
2 |
billCode |
String |
O |
Request’s bill code. |
3 |
agreementUUID |
String |
RC |
The uuid of agreement, this value was returned from the agreement registration (SOAP API). This param require when access_token is retrieved from login with SSL2 Only. |
4 |
searchConditions/certificateStatus |
String |
O |
State of certificate. The possible values are: · “ALL”, · “GOOD”, · “REVOKED”. Default value is “ALL”. |
5 |
searchConditions/cetificatePurpose |
String |
O |
Purpose usage of certificate. The possible values are: · “ALL”, · “SIGNATURE”, · “ENCRYPTION”. Default value is “ALL” |
6 |
certificateInfo |
Boolean |
O |
Returns the details of certificate information. This is useful in case the signature application wants to retrieve some details of the certificate without having to decode it first. The default value is “false”, so if the parameter is omitted then the information will not be returned. |
7 |
language |
String |
O |
Possible value: VN, EN |
Response Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
responseCode |
int |
M |
Code describes the result. Expected: 1007 |
2 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
Message describes the result in detail. |
3 |
billCode |
String |
M |
Receipt for each transaction |
4 |
certificates/issuerDN |
String |
RC |
The Issuer Distinguished Name from the X.509v3 end entity certificate as UTF-8-encoded character string. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
5 |
certificates/serialNumber |
String |
RC |
The Serial Number from the X.509v3 end entity certificate represented as hex-encoded string format. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
6 |
certificates/thumbprint |
String |
M |
The certificate thumbprint. This value is calculated by hashing the encoded certificate binary. The SHA-256 algorithm is usually used to hash this data. |
7 |
certificates/subjectDN |
String |
RC |
The Subject Distinguished Name from the X.509v3 end entity certificate as UTF-8-encoded character string. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
8 |
certificates/validFrom |
String |
RC |
The validity start date from the X.509v3 end entity certificate as character string. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
9 |
certificates/validTo |
String |
RC |
The validity end date from the X.509v3 end entity certificate as character string. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
10 |
certificate/certificateProfile/name |
String |
RC |
Name of certificate’s profile. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
11 |
certificate/certificateProfile/description |
String |
RC |
Description of certificate’s profile. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
12 |
certificates/purpose |
String |
RC |
Purpose usage of certificate. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
13 |
certificates/numSignatures |
int |
RC |
A number equal or higher to 1 representing the maximum number of signatures that can be created with this credential with a single authorization request. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
14 |
certificates/remainingSigningCounter |
int |
M |
Remaining signing counter of this certificate. § -1: unlimited. § 0: out of signing. |
15 |
certificates/version |
int |
M |
The certificate version, the third application must rely on this value to decide perform credentials/info for update the certificate info. |
This function will return the credential, identity information and the public key certificate or the certificate chain associated to the client. It also provides which authentication method of client supported.
Note 01: Authorization info in the header of the request is presented in following format:
KEY=Authorization, VALUE=Bearer <access token or refresh token>
(Access token or refresh token is obtained from login function which is defined in session 2.2).
Sample Request:
POST /rssp/v1/credentials/info HTTP/1.1 HOST: rssp.mobile-id.vn Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBhY2Nlc3NUb2tlbg== Content-Type: application/json
{ "relyingParty": "MOBILE-ID", "relyingPartyBillCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559950", "certificateID": 5, "certificates": "chain", "certificateInfo": true, "authenticationInfo": true, "language": "EN" } |
Sample Response:
{ "responseCode": 0, "responseMessage": "Successfully", "billCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559951", "certificate": { "status": "valid", "certificates": [ "<Base64-encoded_X.509_end_entity_certificate>", "<Base64-encoded_X.509_intermediate_CA_certificate>", "<Base64-encoded_X.509_root_CA_certificate>" ], "issuerDN": "<X.500_issuer_DN_printable_string>", "serialNumber": "5AAC41CD8FA22B953640", "thumbprint": "86f7e437faa5a7fce15d1ddcb9eaeaea377667b8", "subjectDN": "<X.500_subject_DN_printable_string>", "validFrom": "20180101100000Z", "validTo": "20190101095959Z", "sharedMode": 1, "createdRP": "MOBILE-ID" }, "authorizeMethod": [ 1, 2, 4 ], "numSignatures": 5, "authMode": "explicit", "SCAL": 2, "language": "EN" } |
Attributes description:
Request Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
relyingPartyBillCode |
String |
O |
Relying Party’s billcode |
2 |
billCode |
String |
O |
Request’s bill code. |
3 |
agreementUUID |
String |
RC |
The uuid of agreement, this value was returned from the agreement registration (SOAP API). This param require when access_token is retrieved from login with SSL2 Only. |
4 |
thumbprint |
String |
M |
The certificate thumbprint. This value is calculated by hashing the encoded certificate binary. The SHA-256 algorithm is usually used to hash this data. |
5 |
certificates |
String |
O |
Specifies which certificates from the certificate chain will be return in the response. § “none”: No certificate will be returned. § “single”: Only signer certificate will be returned. § “chain”: The full certificate chain will be returned. If this attribute is omitted, the the default is “single” will be treated. |
6 |
certificateInfo |
Boolean |
O |
Returns the details of certificate information. This is useful in case the signature application wants to retrieve some details of the certificate without having to decode it first. The default value is “false”, so if the parameter is omitted then the information will not be returned. |
7 |
authenticationInfo |
Boolean |
O |
Returns the authentication method which is supported for a client. The default value is “false”, so if the parameter is omitted then the information will not be returned. |
8 |
language |
String |
O |
Possible value: VN, EN |
Response Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
responseCode |
int |
M |
Code describes the result. Expected: 1007 |
2 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
Message describes the result in detail. |
3 |
billCode |
String |
M |
Receipt for each transaction |
4 |
certificate/status |
String |
O |
The status of signer certificate which is binding with the client. Some examples responses: § “not enrolled” § “valid” § “unknown” § “revoked” § “expired” |
5 |
certificate/certificates |
String[] |
RC |
One or more Base64-encoded X.509v3 certificates from the certificate chain. If the certificates parameter is “chain”, the entire certificate chain SHALL be returned with the end entity certificate at the beginning of the array. If the certificates parameter is “single”, only the end entity certificate SHALL be returned. If the certificates parameter is “none”, this value SHALL NOT be returned. |
6 |
certificate/issuerDN |
String |
RC |
The Issuer Distinguished Name from the X.509v3 end entity certificate as UTF-8-encoded character string. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
7 |
certificate/serialNumber |
String |
RC |
The Serial Number from the X.509v3 end entity certificate represented as hex-encoded string format. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
8 |
certificate/thumbprint |
String |
M |
The certificate thumbprint. This value is calculated by hashing the encoded certificate binary. The SHA-256 algorithm is usually used to hash this data. |
9 |
certificate/subjectDN |
String |
RC |
The Subject Distinguished Name from the X.509v3 end entity certificate as UTF-8-encoded character string. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
10 |
certificate/validFrom |
String |
RC |
The validity start date from the X.509v3 end entity certificate as character string. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
11 |
certificate/validTo |
String |
RC |
The validity end date from the X.509v3 end entity certificate as character string. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
12 |
certificate/certificateProfile/name |
String |
M |
Name of certificate’s profile. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
13 |
certificate/certificateProfile/description |
String |
M |
Description of certificate’s profile. This value will be returned when certificateInfo is “true”. |
14 |
certificate/purpose |
String |
O |
Purpose usage of the certificate. |
15 |
sharedMode |
String |
O |
Which sharing mode will be used in the Remote Signing. The possible values are: · “PRIVATE_MODE” · “RP_SHARED_MODE” · “AGREEMENT_SHARED_MODE” Default value is PRIVATE_MODE. It’s meant once Relying Party don’t use this parameter, the PRIVATE_MODE is used instead |
16 |
createdRP |
String |
O |
This is Relying Party name. It indicates that the certificate was created by that RP. It is helpful if the certificate is shared to an agreement from different RP. |
17 |
numSignatures |
int |
M |
A number equal or higher to 1 representing the maximum number of signatures that can be created with this credential with a single authorization request. |
18 |
authModeSupported |
String[] |
M |
Specifies one of the authorization modes. § “EXPLICIT/PIN”: the authorization process is managed by the signature application, authentication method is passcode. § “EXPLICIT/OTP-SMS”: the authorization process is managed by the signature application, authentication method is otp sms. § “EXPLICIT/OTP-EMAIL”: the authorization process is managed by the signature application, authentication method is otp email. § “IMPLICIT/CYBER-ID”: the authorization process is managed by the remote service autonomously. Authentication factors are managed by the RSSP by interacting directly with the user, and not by the signature application. § “IMPLICIT/BIP-CATTP”: the authorization process is managed by Cyber-ID – a mobile application – which could interact to PKI USIM for signing. § “EXPLICIT/OTP-MOBILE”: the authorization process is managed by OTP Mobile Application. § “OAUTH2”: not implement yet. |
19 |
authMode |
String |
M |
One value in values of No.15, is authorization mode activated at moment. To change must make by RSSP administrator. |
20 |
int |
O |
§ 1: The hash to-be-signed is not linked to the signature activation data. § 2: The hash to-be-signed is linked to the signature activation data. |
21 |
contractExpirationDt |
String |
O |
Contract's expiration date, to reissue certificate for compensation. |
22 |
remainingSigningCounter |
int |
O |
Remaining signing counter of this certificate. § -1: unlimited. § 0: out of signing. |
23 |
authorizationEmail |
String |
RC |
Authorization email. This value will be returned when authenticationInfo is “true”. |
24 |
authorizationPhone |
String |
RC |
Authorization phone. This value will be returned when authenticationInfo is “true”. |
25 |
passphraseDefault |
boolean |
RC |
True if passphrase is default and user must change passphrase before do cryptography. |
Note: authMode is an array combined all authorization method which support for certificateID.
This method requests a One-Time Password (OTP) for client authentication. Based on client credential, Remote Signing service uses OTP generation mechanism to create and send OTP to end-user through agreed channel such as Email, SMS.
Note 01: Authorization info in the header of the request is presented in following format:
KEY=Authorization, VALUE=Bearer <access token or refresh token>
(Access token or refresh token is obtained from login function which is defined in session 2.2).
Sample Request:
POST /rssp/v1/credentials/sendOTP HTTP/1.1 HOST: rssp.mobile-id.vn Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBhY2Nlc3NUb2tlbg== Content-Type: application/json
{ "relyingParty": "MOBILE-ID", "relyingPartyBillCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559950", "certificateID": 84902, "authorizeMethod": 1, "notificationTemplate": "RemoteSigning: Your authorization code {AuthorizeCode}", "notificationSubject": "Remote Signing - Your authorization code", "language": "EN" } |
Sample Response:
{ "responseCode": 1007, "responseMessage": "Request accepted", "billCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559951" } |
Attributes description:
Request Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
relyingPartyBillCode |
String |
O |
Relying Party’s billcode. |
2 |
billCode |
String |
O |
Request’s bill code. |
3 |
agreementUUID |
String |
RC |
The uuid of agreement, this value was returned from the agreement registration (SOAP API). This param require when access_token is retrieved from login with SSL2 Only. |
4 |
thumbprint |
String |
M |
The certificate thumbprint. This value is calculated by hashing the encoded certificate binary. The SHA-256 algorithm is usually used to hash this data. |
5 |
notificationTemplate |
String |
O |
Message contains Authorize Code will be sent to customer’s Phone/Email. Authorize Code is generated on Remote Signing and embedded into template. E.g: Your authorization code: {AuthorizeCode}. Authorize Code is valid within 300 seconds. |
6 |
notificationSubject |
String |
O |
This parameter is used as Email subject for signing authorization. If OTP Email is used, this parameter is mandatory It should be used in case of the Remote Signing will use owned SMTP to send OTP Email to customer. |
7 |
language |
String |
O |
Possible value: VN, EN |
Response Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
responseCode |
int |
M |
Code describes the result. Expected: 1007 |
2 |
responseMessage |
String |
M |
Message describes the result in detail. |
3 |
billCode |
String |
M |
Receipt for each transaction |
4 |
temporaryLockTime |
Int |
RC |
Certificate lockout time, only try again when the time is up. In seconds. |
The function requests the Remote Signing to verify the client credential, it is not only OTP but also the PIN (or PassCode) supported. Once authorization code is valid, Remote Signing will respond the Signature Activation Data (SAD) which is required to authorize the signatures/SignHash method.
Note 01: Authorization info in the header of the request is presented in following format:
KEY=Authorization, VALUE=Bearer <access token or refresh token>
(Access token or refresh token is obtained from login function which is defined in session 2.2).
Note 02: Once the server successfully authorized the credentials, a session will be created binding with an agreementUUID/CertificateID, this session contains IP/Mac Address of the client. Another client using the same agreementUUID/CertificateID on another computer cannot be processed by Remote Signing service until this session released. Session will be released by calling auth/revoke with tokenType is SAD token, as defined in session 2.3.
Note 03: The HTTP-response has the header with name rssp-entity-name, RP must send it in HTTP-request header with name rssp-entity-name of these requests: credentials/extendTransaction, signature/signHash.
Sample Request:
POST /rssp/v1/credentials/authorize HTTP/1.1 HOST: rssp.mobile-id.vn Authorization: Bearer VGhpcyBpcyBhY2Nlc3NUb2tlbg== Content-Type: application/json
{ "relyingParty": "MOBILE-ID", "relyingPartyBillCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559950", "certificateID": 84902, "billCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559951", "authorizeCode": "654321", "authorizeMethod": 1, "numSignatures": 2, "hash": [ "532eaabd9574880dbf76b9b8cc00832c20a6ec113d682299550d7a6e0f345e25", "bd9c74f0a16ddc8c877651085e161824be897aa129604326fe67bc2a41316b77" ], "hashAlgorithm": "sha-256", "language": "EN", "notificationTitle":"Dịch vụ SMART-ID", "notificationMessage":"Yêu cầu cần được xác thực", "messageCaption":"Đăng nhập dịch vụ VPN", "transactionInfo":{ "Dịch vụ":"VPN của Mobile-ID", "Địa điểm":"Hồ Chí Minh" }, "clientInfo":{ "iccid":"8991101200003204514", "imei":"990000862471854", "macAddr":"00:0a:95:9d:68:16" }, "message":"Complete the authentication to use the service", "logoURI":"https://rssp.mobile-id.vn/images/mobile-id_logo_159x50.png", "bgImageURI":"https://rssp.mobile-id.vn/images/background02.jpg", "rpIconURI":"https://rssp.mobile-id.vn/images/mobile-id_logo_159x50.png", "rpName":"MOBILE_ID", "confirmationPolicy":"PIN", "expirationDuration":3, "vcEnabled":true, "acEnabled":false, "messagingMode":1, } |
Sample Response:
{ "responseCode": 0, "responseMessage": "Successfully", "billCode": "MOBILE-ID-190611194921-3-559951", "SAD": "_TiHRG-bAH3XlFQZ3ndFhkXf9P24/CKN69L8gdSYp5_pw", "expiresIn": 60, "remainingCounter": 5 } |
Attributes description:
Request Attributes |
No |
Name |
Type |
Require |
Description |
1 |
relyingPartyBillCode |
String |
O |
Relying Party’s billcode. |
2 |
billCode |
String |
O |
Request’s bill code. |
3 |
agreementUUID |
String |
RC |
The uuid of agreement, this value was returned from the agreement registration (SOAP API). This param require when access_token is retrieved from login with SSL2 Only. |
4 |
thumbprint |
String |
M |
The certificate thumbprint. This value is calculated by hashing the encoded certificate binary. The SHA-256 algorithm is usually used to hash this data. |
5 |
authorizeCode |
String |
RC |
Authorize Code provided by customer. It could be PIN (PassCode) or OTP. It is required when authMode returned in credentials/info is EXPLICIT/PIN or EXPLICIT/OTP-SMS or EXPLICIT/OTP-EMAIL or EXPLICIT/OTP-MOBILE. |
6 |
language |
String |
O |
Possible value: VN, EN |
7 |
numSignatures |
int |
M |
The number of signatures to authorize. Multi-signature transactions can be obtained by using a combination of passing an array of hash values and calling the signatures/signHash method |
8 |
hash |
String[] |
RC |
One or more Base64-encoded hash values to be signed. It is required when SCAL is level 2. |
9 |
hashAlgorithm |
String |
Thông tư 32/2011/TT-BTC hướng dẫn về khởi tạo, phát hành và sử dụng hóa đơn điện tử bán hàng hóa và cung ứng dịch vụ
Cách chừa hóa đơn điện tử sử dụng 2 dãy serial :
Đăng ký 2 serial AA/19E và AB/19E
Dãy AA/19E có số từ 1 - 1000
Dãy AB/19E có số từ 1 - 1000
Dãy AA/19E xuất liên tục khi có hóa đơn điện tử
Dãy AB/19E dùng để dự phòng xuất chừa hóa đơn